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Humans are inherently social beings. Since the dawn of time, our lives have been interwoven with others — from the small tribes we once lived in to the global networks we navigate today. We thrive in communities, sharing experiences, stories, and even challenges. At its core, being a social being means understanding that life is a shared journey. It’s about contributing to the lives of others, sometimes even when it feels like we’re not getting something in return.

Being social is beneficial because, when done right, it brings a sense of togetherness, emotional fulfillment, and mutual support. It’s like weaving a web — the more you strengthen the connections, the stronger the fabric of life becomes. Imagine a world where everyone does their bit to be there for each other. Life, in its complexity, can become a little simpler. A sense of mutual respect and responsibility can make day-to-day challenges more bearable. The beauty of a strong social connection is that it isn’t always transactional; it’s built on shared experiences and trust, a belief that you’re there for each other in the best and worst of times.

But sometimes, it feels like the essence of social connection can get lost. It’s disheartening when people only reach out when they need something or when they seem to forget those who’ve been by their side, especially during their hardest moments. I’ve experienced this often — the silent disappointment when people I once considered close, people for whom I’ve dropped everything to support, seem to forget or move on. In a world that’s always changing, I understand that people evolve and their priorities shift. But the sting remains when relationships that once felt reciprocal now seem one-sided.

However, this isn’t meant to be a lament or a call for pity. Rather, it’s a reminder for all of us to reflect. As we move through life, let’s be conscious of the people who’ve been there, whether it’s for the big wins or during the hardest of times. Let’s strive to be more sensitive to the bonds we’ve formed, recognizing that maintaining these connections can lead to deeper, more fulfilling relationships.

It’s not about holding grudges when someone doesn’t reciprocate or calling people out for drifting away. It’s about influencing a positive change in how we interact with one another. When we give, let’s give with an open heart, without expecting immediate returns. But let’s also be aware of the balance in our relationships and be sure to nurture them in both directions. A social connection, after all, is not just built in the moments when we need each other; it’s forged in the everyday acts of kindness, in remembering who stood by us, and in being there when it matters.

The world could use a little more empathy and a little more gratitude. Let’s do our part, and maybe, just maybe, others will begin to see the value in maintaining these connections too.


About Nanu

Communication specialist, wannabe stand-up comedian, sports maniac, music freak, gadget aficionado, movie enthusiast, biriyani addict (If it wasn’t for this 5 letter domain, mostly would've gone with

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